Open the port in your firewall (assuming for a moment this is where it is filtered). On the server (computer you wish to ssh to), try this: sudo ufw allow 22/tcp in a shell, then post any error message here.

"Pass-by filtering", like "WFilter Enterprise" or "Websense", enables you to monitor and filter internet access from a mirroring port in your switch. "Pass-through filtering" needs to be deployed Port 25565 remains "filtered" - Server Support and Jul 02, 2018 Internet Ports Blocked or Restricted by Cox Reasons For Filtering Ports Protecting customers - Certain ports are filtered to protect our customers. They can protect against certain common worms and from dangerous services on our customers' computers that could allow intruders access. Protecting upstream bandwidth - Upstream bandwidth to a cable plant is limited. Do you prefer filtered ports or closed ports on your

TCP Port Scan for quick Online Testing |

Port Scanning with NMAP - Installation & Usage of NMAP Filtered – The port state cannot be determined because packet filters prevent NMAP probes from reaching the port Unfiltered – The port is accessible but NMAP cannot determine if it is open or What are the differences in closed, open, and filtered

Port scanner - Wikipedia

The nmap result "filtered" implies that (if you know there is a host with that IP address) access to the port has been blocked by a firewall or similar, which is dropping the traffic. This is as opposed to the "closed" result which indicates that there is a host on that IP but that …