Ping spikes on Wi-Fi every 10 seconds. – Solved. Few days ago, after moving my home PC to another place, I bumped into a situation, where the cable connection is no longer an option and the only way to get Internet was Wi-Fi.

Yesterday interviewer ask me what is port number for ping and which protocol ping use TCP/UDP. After interview I search on internet and found different results someone says ICMP uses Port 7, someone says it does not use port number, on one site I found it usese IP protocol 1, etc. Need Help! Ping Spike Every Exact Minute? - Microsoft Jul 08, 2020 [SOLVED] Ping via Powershell, log results with timestamp

I did a ping test, sending large packets to the modem and confirmed it was going to 300 ms every minute or so. I forget if I ran the same commands in the original post but I did get rid of it. The only reason I bother to comment is because it sounds like some of the vague, rubbish theories people throw around about ping, mouse lag etc..

Really annoyed with random ping spikes. | TechPowerUp Forums Feb 21, 2013

Ok here is a working ping script that will append the date and you just put your one server or every machine you want in a filed named computerlist.txt in the same directory as the batch file. Let me know if this works for you. I ran it on 20 machines here and it worked as expected. It opens notepad at the end and gives you the results. @echo off

Feb 20, 2013 · When the download started, my ISP ping spiked obviously, and the APB ping spiked as well, since the bandwidth is being sucked up by the download, the router and modem both stayed at 1ms. I'm hoping to catch a screenshot of when APB ping spikes to see if the ISP ping spikes also. If the ISP ping spikes, it would almost have to be an issue with them. Feb 20, 2012 · The first VPN connection fails after 5 minutes. If I disconnect and reconnect to the VPN from the same PC, the VPN connects, but I still can't ping anything. If I wait 10 minutes, I can connect from this same PC, I can ping for the 5 minute session before it timesout again. (VPN stays connected, just can't ping anything anymore). Jan 16, 2008 · > - a way to schedule a ping once per minute or so. > > Or maybe there is (there must be) a better way to monitor the internet > connection. Any suggestions? > Jun 27, 2016 · meejah pointed out that Autobahn (the websocket library we use) has application-level options for that. We just need to do factory.setProtocolOptions(autoPingInterval=60, autoPingTimeout=600) or so (send a PING message every minute, drop the connections if a PONG isn't received for 10 minutes).