LDAP and Active Directory integration is controlled by the settings defined in the /etc/tower/conf.d/ldap.py file. In versions of Tower older than 2.2, these settings lived in /etc/tower/settings.py. The next parameter specifies which password to use for the Binding user:

Configuring LDAP integration with Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) LDAP Authentication Process. When the UAA Server attempts to authenticate a user via LDAP, it's going to go through the following process: Connect to the LDAP Server, using the provided URL and the provided LDAP Credentials. If connecting via secure LDAP, the certificate on your LDAP … LDAP Integration for Open Distro for Elasticsearch | AWS Apr 19, 2019 Active Directory Integration | PRTG Manual Enter a meaningful User Group Name and set the Active Directory Integration setting to Yes. From the Active Directory Group dropdown menu that appears, select the group in your Active Directory whose members have access to PRTG. If you have a very large Active Directory with more than 1,000 entries, you see an input field instead of a dropdown

OpenStack Docs: Integrate Identity with LDAP

LDAP Integration]project-open[ supports integration with several LDAP servers: Integration with Microsoft Active Directory: Microsoft Active Directory is part of Microsoft Windows Server. The ]po[ integration includes several Active Directory specifc characteristics that will ease interoperation.

LDAP (the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is used for accessing centralized directory services. This helps reduce the effort required to manage user accounts as they can be accessed by multiple applications. One such LDAP server is Active Directory. LDAP is often used to achieve Single Sign

Can I Integrate AWS With LDAP? - JumpCloud Oct 23, 2019 LDAP Integration - SonarQube-7.2 - Doc SonarQube Jul 17, 2018 LDAP Integration — Vertica Forum