The nginx frontend for sends clients a redirect for HTTP --> HTTP upgrade, which breaks the default wget in OpenWRT images, since TLS support is not bundled in the default images.

Apr 28, 2010 · Hello. I've recently attempted to switch from DDWRT to OpenWRT on an ASUS RT-N10+. I've used DDWRT on this particular router for over a year to serve as a repeater bridge and it's worked well except that the TX power is stuck wide open at 71mw. Download luci-app-diag-core_git-20.176.73911-058c3e2-1_all.ipk for OpenWrt 18.06 from OpenWrt Luci repository. 从最开始的小米路由器,到后面的斐讯路由器,都是刷的 PandoraBox(潘多拉)固件,总结来说就是界面清爽,功能强大,十分 ../dsl_cpe_control- 16-Nov-2018 19:52 - lost+found/ 23-Mar-2016 11:19 - 0.12.8.tar.gz 18-Nov-2016 15:52 288280 0.2

The content of this topic has been archived on 27 Apr 2018. There are no obvious gaps in this topic, but there may still be some posts missing at the end.

Apr 28, 2010 · Hello. I've recently attempted to switch from DDWRT to OpenWRT on an ASUS RT-N10+. I've used DDWRT on this particular router for over a year to serve as a repeater bridge and it's worked well except that the TX power is stuck wide open at 71mw. Download luci-app-diag-core_git-20.176.73911-058c3e2-1_all.ipk for OpenWrt 18.06 from OpenWrt Luci repository.

Scrolling through the table: Click anywhere in the table, then use your cursor keys to scroll left/right, up/down. Filter: Supported Current Rel

Apr 28, 2010 · Hello. I've recently attempted to switch from DDWRT to OpenWRT on an ASUS RT-N10+. I've used DDWRT on this particular router for over a year to serve as a repeater bridge and it's worked well except that the TX power is stuck wide open at 71mw. Download luci-app-diag-core_git-20.176.73911-058c3e2-1_all.ipk for OpenWrt 18.06 from OpenWrt Luci repository.