It is a bit confusing for me why a ssh connection to the same ip address on port 22 works and it also should work on port 5353. Usually the ssh daemon (server) listens only on one port.

ping による疎通は確認できるのに、いざ ssh などで繋ごうとすると No route to host というエラーで即座に接続失敗し途方に暮れる場合、おそらく原因は接続先のホストの iptables によりパケットがブロックされ、到達不能を意味する ICMP パケットが返っ I have 2 Suse Linux Servers running in the same netwok/host but I can't get them to communicate with each other. I would like to host domains on one server and SQL database on the other server. When I login via SSH (first or second server) and try ping or wget, everything fails Feb 04, 2009 · I am trying to ssh to a site where I have an account but recently I am receiving the following messages on both openSUSE11 and 11.1 ken@linux:~> ssh -l username ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host I have checked that SSH is enabled on the firewall and I checked during installation as well. The problem is that I can not access via SSH to new instance from my Maas server: $: ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable $: ssh -i ~/.ssh/ ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host. while on node of Openstack FluxCP Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No route to host 0; Sign in If you see that IP is configured correctly and you can connect to your target server via SSH

We have mainly talked about the remote system problems for No route to host but in some cases, the problem may be related to our network and systems. We can check this with the simple ping command like below.

May 05, 2006 · vbharadwaj@deepblue:~$ ssh deepblue-1-8 ssh: connect to host deepblue-1-8 port 22: No route to host. I looked up the iptables command and this was my output vbharadwaj@deepblue:~$ sudo /sbin/iptables -L -n [sudo] password for vbharadwaj: Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination. Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) No route to host means the server doesnt know how to route the packet (routing table, however I have never seen it only occur on one protocol and not another). In my case. No NAT Internet connection. No IPTABLES Ping works I can connect to ip's either side of the broken ip. The broken ip says "no route to host" on any tcp port. Wether the 'no route to host' issue is linked with the nbd15 error, I'm not sure. I'm looking in more detail at the netwoprk setup as given from the openstack cookbook chapter to see if I can spot any deliberate-mistakes ;) but networking is my weakest skillset of all thats involved here.

Hi Apple Support team, My os x version EI Capitan. Not able to connect ssh on terminal. Getting this type of issue on terminal: ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: No route to host

Apr 21, 2019 · Find answers to SSH using PUTTY Network error: No route to host from the expert community at Experts Exchange After I succeeded overcoming some difficulties, I launched an instance as I was told in the documentation. Now I want to do ssh cirros@ but everytime I try it says ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host although I think my rules are set correctly: It is a bit confusing for me why a ssh connection to the same ip address on port 22 works and it also should work on port 5353. Usually the ssh daemon (server) listens only on one port. 4. Type the command ‘netstat -tupln | grep ssh’ to check whether SSH service is running. root@server [~]# netstat -tupln | grep -i ssh root@server [~]# Check the status of SSH service: service ssh status OR service sshd status. ssh service is not running on the above server and that is the reason why you’re unable to SSH to the server. ssh ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host rsync works on both machines solong it is an internal transfer of data. I can connect to both servers via ssh from my desktop computer without a problem at all, but the two servers hate each other and they wont connect togather.