Google Chrome 网络浏览器

Chrome brings up a message that the Silverlight Plug in did not load after I select a movie and Firefox just gives me a black screen after I have selected a movie. I have followed ALL of the posted fixes and none have worked. I have the latest Silverlight software (5.1xxx) and have thoroughly scanned my computer for malware or viruses. Get Silverlight to work in Chrome: Solving NPAPI problem Silverlight is installed and able to run, but Chrome just doesn´t run it automatically. To allow Chrome to run Silverlight for all sites, follow these three steps: Enter the following URL in your address bar: chrome://plugins/ Scroll down to the Silverlight section. Click the ´Enable´ link and select the ´Always allowed to run´ check-box: Disable Silverlight Out of Date Update Warning | | Apps One thought on “ Disable Silverlight Out of Date Update Warning ” Benjamin Middleton October 13, 2016 at 1:08 pm. Tried this, it would not run unless I made the REG ADD part capitol, re did it like so and it worked: REG ADD “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Ext” /v VersionCheckEnabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f How To Disable VLC Plugin From ( Firefox, Chrome, Safari 2020-7-22 · Which means you’ve successfully temporally disable VLC chromecast plugin on Google Chrome. How To Disable VLC Video Player Plugin From Safari Browser Safari is the best browser for mac and windows but the usage percentage of safari browser is more in …

MS Silverlight | Firefox Support Forum | Mozilla Support

What is 'Click-to-Play' and how to enable it in Chrome

Silverlight Plug In will no load in Chrome or Firefox

What is 'Click-to-Play' and how to enable it in Chrome 2020-7-4 · Chrome To enable Click-to-Play in Chrome, do the following: Run Chrome. Type "chrome://settings/content" (without the quotes) in the address bar and hit Enter on your keyboard. Scroll down until you see the 'Plug-ins' subsection and click 'Click to play' so the circle next to it is selected: Once you select 'Click to play', you are done! Google Chrome Silverlight Plugin | Watch … Google Chrome Silverlight Plugin. 28.04.2020 · Google is about to disable silverlight plugin in their browsers, and will most likely not support silverlight at all in future. Because Silverlight uses technology which does not fit new chrome standards. You can google more about that. Silverlight in Wine for Netflix? - Linux Mint Forums